App, Software & Product Demo Video Production

Create a video to show off your app/software or product, to highlight and sell the benefits of using you over your competitors.

Do you have an app or software product that’s difficult to explain or impossible to film? Enter the Animated Video!
Video animation is an excellent medium to allow SAAS companies to explain the benefits of using their service to potential customers and to convert trial users.

Video animation is a cost-effective way of creating engaging content that seamlessly fits in with your marketing strategy across all touchpoints.

Animated Video Case Study: Zenkraft.

Zenkraft is the number 1 shipping, tracking and returns company on Salesforce, used by over 35,000 users, including over 20% of Fortune 500 companies.

Zenkraft approached us with the challenge of how to quickly and simply get across the key benefits of using Zenkraft integration with Salesforce, an intangible product, to both existing users and trial users. With only one employee in the UK, their CEO, filming opportunities were limited.

By creating visual video animations combined with stock video footage, we put together a series of videos that highlight all the key benefits of using Zenkraft for shipping and returns.